Nervous System Restoration for the devotional & mystic heart.
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Intellectually you know that trusting God’s bigger vision for your life is what you truly desire, and yet you find yourself struggling and feeling overwhelmed when it comes to practically stepping into the Unknown.
The path God has laid out for you often lies shrouded in Mystery and requires immense amounts of faith. It is a noble but narrow path, that only few dare to walk. A journey that requires you to descend into and integrate the full spectrum of your holy human experience.
Walking this path and cultivating unwavering faith is a form of art. On one hand, you don’t want to get too comfortable. You want to lean into uncertainty, challenge yourself and feel on edge. On the other hand, dealing with a lot of uncertainty can destabilize your system quite quickly and potentially lead to re-traumatization. So you want to be careful not to blow your capacities. It is a delicate dance on the edge of a sword. A truly beautiful and soul-rewarding dance though.
And while cultivating faith is a form of art – there’s also a science to it. Somatics: The science of the nervous system and the body.
Welcome to a space where the mystical meets the practical.
Welcome to a space where the mystical meets the practical.
Nervous System Restoration for the devotional & mystic heart.
"Spirituality is not to be learned by flight from the world, or by running away from things, or by turning solitary and going apart from the world. Rather, we must learn an inner solitude wherever or with whomsoever we may be. We must learn to penetrate things and find God there."
my offerings
How I guide you
meet your facilitator & guide
hello, my friend,
I'm Felix – somatic coach, mystic and artist.
I’m deeply passionate about the interconnectedness of mind, body, soul & spirit, and the integration of our full spectrum holy human experience. After many years of seeking, many deaths and rebirths, and coming into deeper relationship with God, the vision I offer through my work has crystallized: Bridging the mystical and the practical.
I feel honored to walk this path with you.
With grace
Wisdom – Sophia – the feminine within all of us. She’s alive. She’s breathing & pulsating through the cosmos, through the Earth, through your body. This work is devoted to her; to the restoration of the human body – the original temple.
True beauty transcends the superficial, embracing authenticity, wholeness, and the unique essence of each individual. It is the radiance that comes from within, reflecting a deep connection with one’s soul and a harmonious alignment with all of Creation.
Faith is unshakable trust in the knowing that you’re being held & guided by God. Every step of the way. It surpasses any beliefs and concepts and is rooted in a lived and embodied experience. Faith is the very foundation of my existence.
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